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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Virtue Through Flaw

Virtue Through Flaw

I could have also titled this “I am patient because I am flawed” but I felt that was an overtly long title though it aptly describes the feeling that inspired today’s musing.

Some of my long time readers may recall my adherence to Stoicism, those who know me in real life may know this as well.

I attempt to adhere to Stoicism for many reasons, not the least of which being that I think it is a beneficial ideology to follow. The greatest reason, however, is my own flaws and tendency to loose emotional control.

An adult that lacks emotional maturity and control can be a dangerous thing both to themselves, and to others. Hashtag don’t drive angry.

I get frustrated very easily. Childishly easy if I am to be honest. Lashing out, screaming, throwing things, shutting down and refusing to do anything. All of these are things I want to do when I am frustrated. However I have the reputation for someone with a lot of patience and while I have a reputation for being loud, I do not have a reputation for being volatile.

Because I understand this flaw in my character and work diligently not to allow it to direct me. Stoicism is all about emotional control, but more than that understanding your character flaws can teach you where to best direct your efforts for character growth.

What is a flaw may push you into creating a virtue if you harness the will to do so.

I was personally reminded of this when I did not respond to the frustrations of integrating new technology by throwing a tantrum but instead taking the time to carefully work through the possible reasons things weren’t working, allow my emotions time to stabilize until I at last found the simple mistake I had made at the start and rectified it.

That’s your other lesson for today, very often if it doesn’t work it’s because you are missing something incredibly simple and taking the time to inspect the problem from all angles may reveal the answer.

I hope, my dear readers, you are not so troubled by frustrations as myself and that this missive is as helpful for you to read as it was for me to write.

Thank you and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace