Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Friends and Heroes

Links to blogs, websites and all the incredible people that inspire me and helped me along my journey to being a published author.

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Dan Abnett

I have no relation to Mr. Abnett, professional or otherwise. He is here, simply because more than anyone else his amazing work inspires me to do better. Inspires me to craft tales that engage the mind and stir the soul. He is a titan of his craft and I entreat you to take a walk through his words and lose yourself in the craftsmanship. https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/33262.Dan_Abnett

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Melinda Kucsera

And old friend and the reason i’ve come as far as I have. She not only supported my desires to begin my career as an author but gave me a spot in her anthologies. If it were not for her I wouldn’t be anywhere. Check out her works and the wondrous worlds she’s crafted at https://melindakucsera.com/

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Barbara Letson

A woman I met long ago in a delightful corner of the internet. Like myself she loved engaging stories and creating wonderful tales. Now she is spreading her wings to bring great tales and her own settings beginning with Ghost Stalkers to readers everywhere. Visit Fort Hopless and the spooky adventures here http://www.ghost-stalkers.com/