Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Remember The Small Stuff

Remember The Small Stuff

Happy September, Happy Labor Day!

It has been a while, and for that I apologize. Life has run off with me this past moth. Some good, some bad, all chaotic, I’ve learned some things, traveled a few places and helped friends all to make it back in one piece.

However that’s not what I’m talking about today, no one is reading this to learn what toys I bought over the weekend.

In America, as of the time of this blog, it’s Labor Day. I day set aside to honor all the most hard working members of our society. The backbone of the American people and the American economy.

They well deserve it, I benefit immensely not just from the labor done today, but from the battles won in the past.

Unfortunately it is easy for people to forget the battles won on their behalf. To see the riches of their modern life and take it for granted, or worse not believe they need those riches. People who benefit from you taking these, things for granted will tell you, you don’t need these things and would be better off without them.

This isn’t just labor, of course, be it lunch breaks, clean water, or education, once a thing has been part of your life long enough it’s easy to see only its flaws.

And this is true of the truly personal too. Your friends, your family, your favorite restaurant. So I implore you, remember the small stuff.

Little things like your fifteen minute break, child labor laws or paid vacations. People before us fought for those comforts so that we could live as people and not as cogs in the machine of another’s profits. Don’t let their hard work become invisible.

Whatever day this missive finds you I hope it finds you well and I hope you never take for granted the victories won by those before you so you could have the life you live now.

Thank you and God bless;

~S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace