Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Thank you Viking

Thank You Viking

Now you may wonder who, or what is Viking? You may also parse from the capitalization involved that this is a proper noun, a name. And you would be correct.

Viking, not the name on legal documentation, is an old friend of mine. He can be churlish and come off as brutish or confrontational but he is honest, loyal, and caring. He’s one of the 6 people who reads this blog and a good friend.

So why do I bring this up? A few days ago I posted a Fragment of Fiction and like many of you he read it. And like some of you he contacted me about it.

Let me not be unappreciative. I am terribly happy when anyone reads my work, and some of the messages I received were truly heart warming. One reader said that seeing Al and Urk again was like visiting old friends. A higher compliment I do not know if I have ever received.

Viking, however, read my bit of fiction, called me and informed me that I had a spelling mistake.

Writing tip number one. You need an editor.

And I am thankful that he did. It let me make the simple adjustment needed and showed that he too read the work. It would have been easy to take offense at such a thing, but it would have been foolish to. Your friends are not just the people who praise you, they are the people who support you, and sometimes support means telling you when you’ve made a mistake so you can improve.

The people that will help you be the better version of the person you want to be are invaluable.

So thank you Viking, and I pray you all have one friend like him. Just one though, two is a headache +-_^

Take care my dear readers and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace