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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

What Is A Leader?

What Is A Leader?

In January of 2022 I asked you who is your true Master. In July of 2021 I cautioned about confusing history with mythology. It would make sense that on what is in America “President’s Day” I would combine the two to talk about Leadership.

The point of President’s Day is to generate national pride in the leaders of our country, to situate them in the mind of the populace as great men of great times deserving of our adoration. They are examples to aspire to and lessons that teach us about the greatness we can achieve if we work hard and relentlessly pursue our goals.

And all this is true. They did achieve great things through tireless work but we do ourselves and our society a grave injustice by pretending they were beings without flaws.

I do not intend to list them here, only to draw it’s attention and let you generate the list in your own mind.

No the point is to ask, “what is a leader?” One who leads, of course, but that’s not really what we mean when we say something like, “that child has great leadership potential.” Right?

I think it means to be inspiring. A Leader isn’t just someone who is in charge, not simply a boss who gives direction but a person that draws you to follow by action and example. It is important, then that we strive not to confuse the two. Just because someone possesses a position of authority does not mean they are the kind of person who should be followed without caution.

I imagine most of us have had a few bad bosses after all.

So I entreat you on this day, on any day when you are expected to look favorably on a person in a position of authority you ask yourself if they truly are the kind of person you should be drawing inspiration from. If this person lacked the authority they posses would you still be inspired to champion their cause and walk their path. If the answer is “no” then it is not the person you follow but the position and then you must ask if the position itself is worthy of your adoration?

I cannot answer these questions for you, nor would I want to if I could. I simply hope to create the conversation within yourself so that you may better choose those you pledge fealty to.

Thank you my dear readers and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace