Endless Stories, Limitless Adventure
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Musings Of A Wordsmith

The Wallace Works Blog where our resident Wordsmith and others talk about what is going on and what may come.

Your General Health Advisory

Your General Health Advisory

I know 5 of my 7 newsletter subscribers live in the Northern Hemisphere so I don’t have to tell you it’s hot. Still somethings, even obvious things, bear saying directly.

In my neck of the woods we are dealing with incredible heat, and terrible air quality. Other parts of the world are dealing with heavy rain, droughts, mudslides or worse. Humans have a great capacity to endure the difficulties of our environment such that even the dangers of living on an active volcano seem of little importance.

That is both a strength and a weakness. As a people they(we) can go and thrive almost anywhere. However just because a population may thrive it does not mean the individual will not suffer.

Being a poisonous animal doesn’t help the one that’s eaten, it helps all the ones that are not.

It is easy to not give Mother Nature her due, especially if you’ve endured or evaded calamity before. However it is exactly for that reason that we must be particularly cautious. Monitor ourselves so that we are not assuming more of ourselves than we are capable of, or that the environment is safer than it is.

We lost over seventy-THOUSAND people to heat last year in the U.S. And I’m sure most of them thought they’d drunk enough water and weren’t outside too long. This year flash floods are claiming lives in places that haven’t seen strong flooding in years and I can only imagine the toll on our lungs the poor air is having.

My meat suit used to suffer Asthma attacks and though I haven’t had one in quite some time it seemed the right time to get a new rescue inhaler. I doubt I’ll need it but I’ll have it just the same.

Take a moment to really consider the challenges the environment is putting you through and if you are prepared for them. After a hurricane rips your roof off is not the time to learn if you have a well stocked first aid kit.

It is the simple things that make the difference between an entertaining story you tell your friends or a sad story your friends tell about you. Next year I hope to have each of you still here reading my blog and opening my Newsletter, all seven of you, so hope you take the time to take care of yourself.

Thank you and God bless;

~ S. Wallace

Stephen Wallace